got cca record today. not too bad, considering a slacker like me. hehe. still have to claim some cip hours, but library is doing that. going to toa payoh this thursday for tuition, also asking the in charge there how to claim the cip hours in the previous tuitions.
tml open house. got tkd demo, but backstage lah, in charge of the cd. so u won't see me kicking lor. hehe, think the black belts want to impress the sec 4s so they do the kicks themselves. and the kickes are really exciting and daring. their is one kick which will break 4 targets at one time, and another one the person will 'fly' over other 4 people to destroy the plank with a side kick. hehe.
also have to spend 2 hours at mac stall. haha, got cip hours. mac is really jian.
then can go back to tkd stall and spar somemore, yeah!!
水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊;自李唐来,世人盛爱牡丹;予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭静植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人;牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。 爱 莲 说----(宋)周敦颐
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