had nothing to do. copied from kq's
Starting time: 9.40am
2. nicknames? flying
3. b~day? 21/11/85
4. Age: 17years11months17days
5. Sex: male
6. Social Security: nope
7. Where were you born? 安徽歙县,china
8. where you live now: singapore
9. Zodiac sign: Scorpio
10. What grade are you in and what school do you attend? j1 hcjc
12. siblings and their ages? none
13. do you get along: affirmative
14. Pets: none
15. Righty or Lefty: right
16. bedtime: 11.30(70%), 10.30(25%)1-3(5%)
17. Email: zhoux_george@hotmail.com
18. Hair color: black
19. Eye color: black
20. Do you wear contacts or glasses?glasses
21. Do you have any piercings? no
22. tattoos: no
23. scars: no
24. Height: 1.7+
25. Do you wear any rings: no
26. What shoes do you wear: adidas
27. drove a car: no
28. met someone new: no
29. done laundry: yes
31. wore a skirt: wish can
32. How are you today? quite ok
33. wearing: sch u
34. thinking about: blog
35. What does your hair look like at the moment? soso
36. What song are you listening to right now? none
37. What was the last thing you ate and/or drank? melo
38. How is the weather right now? cool
39. Last person u talked to on the phone: songsong? for pw
40. watching: the monitor
41. what time is it: 9.46
*****DO YOU BELIEVE IN ******
42. yourself: is innerself myself?
43. friends: some
44. best friends of the opposite sex: sure
45. santa claus: try to, since it is supposed to give free gifts
46. tooth fairy: no
47. angels: no
48. ghosts: no
49. aliens: yes
50. God: no
*******MORE ABOUT YOU!*******
51. what are the last four digits of ur phone number? 0795
52. Do you like the person who sent this to you? hehe, how can i say no?
53. how do you eat an Oreo? 60% stuff whole thing, 40% disintegrate, eat the piece without the cream side, hoping there's someone i can give the piece with the cream. realising there's no one. finish it
54. If you were a crayon what color would you be? blue hehe, why crayon?
55. Have you ever almost died: thought of suicide.
56. What's the best advice ever given to you? look ahead, not reminisce any more
57. Have you ever won any special award? not considered special by me
58. Do you like to dance? yeah, but poorly
59. Worst sickness you've ever had? chicken pox lah
60. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done? love a person who doesn't like me any more... but love is not considered stupid right?
61. What's the next CD you are going to buy: buy a CD player first
62. What sport you hate the most: swimming
63. Place for a dream house: seldomly dream
64. How many kids do you want to have? 2-3?
65. Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone:sprain both ankle, both 2 times
66. Who do you tell your dreams to: my innerself?
67. What are you most scared of? loneliness? another 50% chances i like it
68. How many tv's do you have in your house? 1/18 in my cluster
69. Do you have your own? no
70. do you have your own phone line? no
71. do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
72. Are you a flirty person? i think not
73. Are you shy? in a new enviroment
74. Are you outgoing? depends on the situation.
75. Who is the loudest friend you have? i know. don't want to say lah
76. Who is the quietest friend you have? one of my junior, hehe, u don't know anyway
77. Who looks the worst in the morning: me?
78. Who's the messiest eater: me
79. Who's the slowest eater: i eat so fast that i can't stay back to know who's the slowest
80. Who's the bossiest: dunno
81. Who is the 'mom' outta your friends: dunno
82. who are the top 3 hottest guys/girls u know: i'm not the judge for 'r u hot'!!
83. who's the weirdest: me
84. who is the funnest: poor me, dunno how to appreciate fun
85. who do you go to for advice?: innerself
86. who do you think about most when you're not happy? hf? the makes me even more pathetic
87. who do you cry with? my pillow
88. what's the best feeling in the world? emptiness
89. when's the last time you cried: i shed one drop of tear this morning when i was lying on bed
90. is cheerleading a sport? more entertainment
91. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? never tried
92. Which came first the chicken or the egg: chicken
93. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: root beer
94. vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
95. Love or lust: love
96. silver or gold: gold
97. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: no
98. What's your favorite color: blue
99. What's your favorite band/singer: dunno
100. What do you dream about: seldomly dream
101. Favorite song? 我是一只小小鸟
102. Do you like to sing in the shower: yes
103. Had an imaginary friend: maybe
104. Wanted to "hook up" with a friend: no
105. Cried during a movie: almost
106. Had a crush on a teacher: no
107. What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?: is kq at ct bench already?
108. Sleep on your back, stomach or side: side
109. Adidas, Nike, or Reeboks?: adidas
110. Croutons or Bacon Bits?: bacon bits
111. 2 doors or 4 (on a car)?: 2
112. Bridges or Tunnels? bridges
113. One pillow or two?: 2
114. Salt or butter flavored popcorn?: butter
115. Fizzy or still water?: still
116.Red wine or white wine?: red
*****Word Association - (1st Thing That Comes To Mind)*****
117. Rubber Gloves: dirty
118. Disney Character: micky mouse
119. Fast Food place: macdonalds
120. Board Game: dunno
121. Rock: roll
122. Blue: scorpio
123. Wet: dry
124. Cry: sadness
125. Peanut Butter: toast
126. Hay: barn
127. Paper: ink
128. Wood: forest
129. Yellow: porn
130. Laugh: happy
131. Ugly: evil
132. Happy: laugh
******YOU AND LOVE******
133. Do you believe in love? how can i not?
134. Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend? no
135. do you have a crush? yar
136. who is your crush? hehe, why tell u?
138. do you believe in love at first sight? no
139. What song do you want played at your wedding: ?秋日私语?
140. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: my wife lah
141. Do you find yourself attractive: no
142. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? overall impression
143. are you too shy to ask someone out? always
*****When was the last time you...*****
205. Took a shower: yesterday
206. Watched Bambi: ever watched?
207. Got a real letter: last year
208. Wished upon a star: got meh?
209. Asked someone for forgiveness: 5 months ago
210. Hugged someone: too long ago can't remember
211. Kissed someone: never, except my parents
212. Ate something: 2 hr ago
213. Called someone: yesterday
*******What is your...*******
214. Good luck charm: malimalihong?
215. Bedroom like: messy and cool
216. Favorite Breakfast food: 小笼包
217. Favorite lunch food: anything delicious
218. Best thing that happened to you today: got up thought it was ten plus but was actually 7.15
*****What do you think about the following*****
219. Abortion: sad thing
220. Homosexuality: acceptable
221. Rap: eminem
222. Classical: eternal
223. Oldies: experienced
224. Swing: childhood
**********PICK ONE: THIS OR THAT**********
225. lights on/off: off
226. sun or rain or snow? snow
227. mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (burger king): BK
228. do you like scary movies or happy movies better?scary
229. backstreet boys or NSYNC? westlife?
230. on the phone or in person: in person
231. summer or winter: winter
232. chocolate or white milk: white milk
233. CD or tape: CD
234. hugs or kisses: hug, then kiss
235. cake or pie: pie
236. cats or dogs: woodchuck
237. mud or jello wrestling? jello
238. skiing or boarding? skiing
239. day or night? night
240. sunset or sunrise: sunset
241. diamond or pearls: pearls
*******YOUR FAVES*******
242. candy: dark chocolate
243. Beverage: Qoo
244. cartoon characters: conan
245. sport(s): badminton
246. Song: same as above
247. favorite actor or actress?: none
248. Favourite movie: 不可不信缘
249. tv show: shi zi lu kou
250. Favourite food: dumplings made by myself
251. ice cream: vanila
252. subject: chem
253. shampoo: head & shoulders
254. favourite month: november
255. favourite number: 5
256. favourite person to talk to online: as long as u talk to me u r my favourite
******HAVE YOU EVER******
257. cut your hair yourself: no
258. been on stage: yes
260. Ever thought an animated character was hot: no
261. kept a secret from everyone: many
262. been hurt emotionally: yes
263. been in a car accident: had bicycle accident
264. put a body part on fire for amusement: stupid
265. drank: yes, but not drunk
266. smoked: no
267. broke the law? no
268. ran from the cops: no
269. made yourself cry to get outta trouble: no
270. tried to kill yourself? mentally
271. made your self throw up? no
272. ever been in love: yups...
273. loved someone so much it made you cry: yes...
Finishing Time: 10.16pm
水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊;自李唐来,世人盛爱牡丹;予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭静植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人;牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。 爱 莲 说----(宋)周敦颐
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