hmm, i think i have to reinstall my operating system some time in the holiday... the laptop took 5 minutes to restart just now...
i'm feeling better and better after the operation... hehe, the most tortorous time was the first 24 hours after the operation... but now it's less pain and i'll go to the hospital less often. hehe, anyway it's boring at home... play computer games almost for the whole day.
haiz, i'm sure i'm gaining weight...... but the doctor forbid me from sports after the operation... hmm... how?
if someone asks me which my favourite season is (some people really have asked me), my answer is autumn (as i always answer)... hehe why? i'm asking myself the same question. well, it's supposed to be the season i was born. march to may is spring, june to august is summer, september to november is autumn and december to feburary is winter... hehe, but according to 农历, may is considered summer and by november it should be snowing... hehe, the 农历 only fits the climate in the area to the north of the yangtse river. nvm, i tried to find out some reason why autumn is a season to love.
1. autumn is the harvesting season, a fruitful season. we harvest our rice, fruit, etc in autumn.
2. autumn is a golden season. why? because in autumn the leaves turn yellow and golden... hehe, quite beautiful, especially in october, although the wind will blow them off in november
3. autumn gives a temperate weather, not too hot as in summer nor too cold as in winter, and we have a proverb 秋高气爽 here.
4. autumn is an inspiring season. hehe, not crappy, but i have example to support. in autumn people are apprehended by the looming winter, and they are more likely to be 多愁善感 and become blue, haha, esp in november. david tao's 寂寞的季节(season of loneliness) has lines like 风吹落最后一片叶、窗外是快枯黄的叶, implying the season is late autumn. the famous 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲 was also written in autumn as it is in the poem 九月九日忆山东兄弟。 hehe, just being lame. the chinese lit people should also be reminded of the 红藕香残玉簟秋, blah blah, the stupid 李清照 also missed his husband most in autumn.
5. October 1st --- chinese national day is in autumn
well, to ensure the argument is not too biased, we should also include some opposing viewpoints:
1. autumn is cruel. 雷锋这样为人民服务的好同志也在日记里写“对待敌人要像秋风扫落叶一样冷酷”,可见秋天多么不得人心。
2. autumn is not as good as spring. 春天里来百花香... 秋天只有菊花开,又只有落叶的金黄色,色调太单调。
3. 秋风萧瑟,预示着衰老与死亡。
haiyoyo, 我赤裸裸的来到这个世界,有赤裸裸的回去,到头来能一抔净土掩风流已经不错了。
consider this question seriously: is this fair for us to come to this world? we don't have a choice to decide whether we r going to come to this world. of course of parents shall describe the world to the fetus and ask it whether it is willing to become a fully fledged human being... humans are not different from the animals as the genes decides that they are going to reproduce, whether in the name of love or pure 'responsibility'...
haiyo, dunno what i'm writing about... yoz hmm, really maybe the earth is better without us human beings... 一切又清静了。
水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊;自李唐来,世人盛爱牡丹;予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭静植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人;牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。 爱 莲 说----(宋)周敦颐
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