
after elation, there is confusion

Do arguments settle anything? No, it just get people confused...
It took hours and days for me to lie on bed and think my value system through. i thought i have attacked any weak points in my logic and reasoning, but when it is subjected to another person's viewpoint, i find, my strongest point becomes my weakest link. wellz... i guess i was confused by myself too. but anyway that's a good practice. it shall reoccupy my free time for a few days. time for me to stone. i think i've going to sth philosophical. maybe. but philosophy doesn't earn u any money. and philosophers usually have very bad 下场, either burned, or poisoned, or become mad.
sometimes we hold our assumptions so tight that we become surprised when they are underattack. thinking about it. when the assumptions are so deeply rooted they become 'faith' as we call. 'faith' is never perfect, but we need that mental support. even hedonism has a faith: 'everything is pleasure seeking'. that's just like axioms in math. we all take for granted that passing through a point there is one and only one straight line passing through a known straight line. 这是欧几里得几何的基础。只是不是每个人都这么想,于是有了非欧几何,球面几何,等等. axioms do not need to be proved. they are assumptions we take for granted, just like 'faith'. So ironical that we human beings exist because foundamentally take something for granted, while in the moral value system we are always taught that we should not do so. wat a hypocrisy. those who break it through are regarded as 不忠不孝不仁不义不明主不自由不人道不.... but it seems that there's no point of it after all, since we are not starting from the same point, or the same assumption.
i think the geometry part shall get some people comfused. they may think i'm just 卖弄 sth,so chim they don't understand. i'm just trying to relate watever i think of. see the phrase 'they may think'? who give u the ability to tell who others think? no one. but we are again taught and taught that we should be sensitive to other's feelings. if u do not agree, u have to say 'i respect our difference', but isn't it another way to show that u are sensitive? no one shall say 'ur assumption is bullshit, blah blah'. even he says so, he is still sensitive, coz he knows that u will be bushuanged when hearing this. he may say it behind u. does that show he doesn't care ur feelings? no! coz he knows people will have prejudice when hearing his seemingly unbiased arguments, and there will be a difference when people are treating u, a difference that u can feel! human psychology's like this! we are all 'big mouths' in one way or another. if we don't want to influence others or try to convince some others, why we wanna argue at first place? yar... we tried to settle sth by argument, but that's just too ideal.


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