之后或许到死也见不到, as x approaches infinity.
水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊;自李唐来,世人盛爱牡丹;予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭静植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人;牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。 爱 莲 说----(宋)周敦颐
when i reached school this moring, the pencil case, math tys and calculator are still on the desk. yeah!!!
but mr lau is continuing confusing me about probability questions.
was almost turned into a photocopy machine during chem s... so sianz....
damn shit
i left my math tys, pencil case and one pad of a4 (withing three probability questions) on the ct bench!!! was hurrying to play badminton and forgot to put them in my bag!
worst case1: get swept out by the clean ladies and ended up in the dustbins somewhere
worst case2: someone just take the advantage and take them away. wellz, he probably don't have a math tys and are running short of pen inks and like my pencil case
better case1: get picked up by any classmates or juniors and return them to me tml
better caes2: those things spend a lonely and cold night at the ct bench and get picked up by myself tml moring
anyways, there is not best case... i'm not doing any tutorials tonight for sake of this.
if i can live my j1 again, i wouldn't have chosen s3
if i can live my sec 4 again, wouldn't choose to come to hc... hecks, heard rj is worse than hc lorz... bleh, so go poly...
if i can live my 初三 in china i again, would i still choose to come to singapore?
jc is really a horrible place to live
and also a nice place to live
coz the challenges daunt u.
coz there are jubilance after teh challenges.
the light a the end of a dark tunnel
is just an entrance to another impasse
the light is always in front
but it's beyond reach...
good teacher are leaving...
our physics lectures are dominated by thermometer chen, cs wong, and philip thomas some more.
can't they find better physics teachers to teach j2?
and chem is worse, the 勾心斗角 in apparently on the talbe
wat the hellz...
and i have been one of the victims for that 勾心斗角...
and math teachers are just amusing themselves.
they thought they are so smart... or else as blur as mdm yeo...
being lame, and innocent... maybe they know they are less skillful in this fight with super kiasu teachers from other departments...
and english department
only capable of mocking mr ang's faaaamily, and giving low marks to students... plus loads of work...
hehez, mdm toh is an exception... unfortunately she's a pious christian...... her value system and mine don't have line or even line of intersection in the vector space...
pe teachers... slack ones, are having lunch at canteen when we are sweating like hell in the hall, doing the stupid useless time-consuming exhausting silly unsightly work-out...
chinese teachers? no comment, cannot even make a fluent and cohesive announcement in chinese during morning assembly
pw tutors? wellz, either super slack or super enthu... their common trait is that they are strict dead-liners....... and blur ones also
one top of that, we also have the leader of the big faaamily which is so kiasu about exaaaminations... hehez, will the teachers seeing this expel me from school?
blehs, really miss chinese high in this sense
though mrs yeong can scold us for double periods, though mr ang can make people stand on the table, though mrs ng can get half of the class stoning outside the classroom, though mrs tay's voice can rock and shake the whole tower block, though 陈老师 always want us to 供奉字词表, though mr chong is still 'waducall'ing, though mrs sow is still not satisfied until perfection, though mrs khoo gives one test a week, though 王婉仪 is still blurring about chinese lit syllabus......
but they are hundreds and thousands of time better than the teachers here!!!
weekend is coming again. this time a long one... get jts also... hehez, i think my juniors quite 'filial'... treat us first. hacks, still get the stupid chem s tml afternoon...
1 到她学校,一定要很早到,买好校门口的蛋饼等她。她给你吃,你一定要吃,否则她会生气。
2 对本市的路要很熟,一定要在四十几度的高温陪她逛街,而且要走一个下午,不能停。
3 爬山时一定要比她慢,要在她后面。下山时一定要牵着她的手。
4 在地铁里,一定要不顾一切地找她,她会坐在那里等你,静静的看着你朝她奔跑。见面后,一定要等上几列地铁,千万不能忙上车。在到站时要牵着她下车,这样她会有安全感。
5 送她回家时,眼神中要依依不舍,目送她的背影离去你才能走开,同时,心中要祈求她会回头。如果她真的回头,你也不要太开心。即使真的很开心,也不能表现出来。
6 对于花、茶、文学,总之她感兴趣的,你必须懂一点,这样她你们会有共同的话题,不至于每次都是她在找话题。
7 她说想你了,你就必须马上出现,不得有任何的借口和迟到现象。见过面后,如果你在回家的路上看到手机短信里看到她又想你了,你要跳下车,马上赶回去再见她一遍,要快!
8 骑自行车载着她的时候,要骑得慢,骑得稳,这样她会很满足的。记住,她是一个很容易满足的人,所以要尽可能的对她好,她是一个好女生。
9 去海边的时候,一定要带给她大海的声音,她会感动的,还有要尽可能多的带石头给她,答应她,要带着她去“天涯海角”,陪着她着坐在沙滩上看日落,一直到她在你怀里睡着。
10 要在她生日的时候,当着很多人的面,送她一枝玫瑰,这样她会感到很幸福
11 最重要的是,你要continual关心她,不仅关心表面上的她,还要关心内心深处的那个她。 从她的角度出发去想问题。如果她突然约你,那就说明她真的出事了。不要问什么事or为什么,见面后抱紧她,你要做的就是关心她,安慰她。这就够了。
12 在她面前要成熟,要有少年老成的样子,千万不要带有孩子气,这样会使她感觉像妈妈,而她最讨厌这样的感觉。否则你会让她感到很累,很失望。
13 ,在她和你讲话时,你要专心听,不要不耐烦 特别是她自对你讲述她的童年时,特别要注意,或许她受伤的心灵正希望得到你的抚慰。
14 如果你们两个人之间出现了什么问题,千万不要通过第三者解决,这样会把事情搅乱,你要主动去找她,记住要主动 !
15 在她面前要多说她漂亮,声音很好听,尊重事实,不要说反话,女生们都是这样,而她也是一个普普通通的女生。
16 送她回家时,如果经过门口她说不想回家,那你千万不要再提“回家”,陪她去她的初中,陪她去黄兴绿地,总之不要再提“回家”, 直到她想回家了。
17 最后一点,要对她和你自己有信心。要相信这一点:glow=255,PINK,1]不管发生什么,你们彼此都深爱着对方,直到永远……[/glow]
putting aside probability, i have no tutorial to do now. finally can read a bit on the material engineering quiz... only started off with the first 60 pages... got 600 more to read... think john ng would kill me if he knows this.
haiz, and s-papers.... physics is more exciting than expected, esp. some of the contents today can be related to matrix and basis... of course only f. math people can see it... haha, fun, esp when there's no right or wrong answer for some of the questions.
mr loo is such a fool! he never put down the page no. 4 the tys questions... ended up half the time i was doing the chem tut i was looking for the questions.... sighz...
and was nearly frozen to death at lt3 today... really cold these days...
still got physics s questions to do. thought i'll do 2 tonight and leave the rest two for tml morningz...
2.You have been given the task of writing a short chapter in a sex education handbook for teenagers in your country to help them to understand their own bodies as they experience puberty. Read ‘The Chemistry of Desire’ (pp.32-37) and use the scientific data to provide useful and relevant information with a minimum of scientific jargon.
who can help me doing this?
just now wrote a lot of staff. then the internet access flawed when i pressed the post and publish button... the result:
i have to type them again!!!!
nvm, many things happend today
keyword 1: waiting
i reached acjc and 8, the sat test didn't start until 9:30
i reached yio chu kang mrt at 15:40, and didn't board on the bus to mdm toh's house till 5:10
total: 3 hours
keyword 2: raining
it's raining all day, torrential rain
luckily i wore sandals, thus no socks to be soaked
keyword 3: coldness
i even bring my jacket for sat
keyword 4: mdm toh's house visit
her two boys are so cute
we ate a lot of stuff, hehez
and received nice gifts
keyword 5: dinner at ming's house
food tastes very nice, even in the presence of xx and chris, who were crapping about cannibals, etc
keyword 6:
one word: sat
two words: sat sux
three words: 80 bucks wasted
probability of getting 1500+: 1/5^n, n>20, n=the no. of questions guessed
consequence: taking the second one to waste another 80 bucks to the us capitalists
was sitting opposite to a person when playing bridge. thought the line of protraction of my eyesight towards my cards was going off to somewhere else... embarrassed... sorry lorz...
taking 74 4 times today...
the same route ming goes to school everyday?
hehez, then she reaches school so early...
she wakes up so early...
hehez, rest well ming
and good luck finishing the food we left...
i've been pissed off by many people, hehez, i'm contemptuous of them, but as time goes by i have to bear with them still.
sadly, many of them prcs. i live with them under one roof, even in the same hall. but i can do nothing, except enduring all their nonsense.
living in the same hostel enables me to scrutinize a person fully, and what do i see? there are more ugliness
hehez, maybe that's also what they see in me.
i've seen people laughint loudly at other's slightest mistakes yet are so ignorant of their own misdeeds
i've seen people thinking so high of themselves that they regard everyone else inferior
i've seen stereotypes and rumours completely ruined one's reputation
i've seen people smiling and flattering u in front of u, and begin maligning u when u turn ur back towards them
i've seen people who regards themselves as the most intelligent in the world, thus blaming all the test failures to misfortunes.
'i'm intelligent, thus i have less effort to put in.' their logic
i've seen people boasting how hard they play, yet stay up to 2 or 3 a.m. for mugging.
i've also seen people who play the whole day, yet scaring people, telling them how late/early they stay to mug.
i'm struck with the hypocrisy.
i booked the air-ticket last year with someone, the same flight,
and the someone called his parents telling them i was not going back.
hehe, cool man!
that's why in hostel, i seldomly speak.
i speak to myself more to anybody else
i'm on the brink of a black hole
i'm afraid i'll slip into it and never get out
or maybe, i'm just too sensitive, the world isn't as bad as i perceive....
十年之前 我不认识你 你不属于我
我们还是一样 陪在一个陌生人左右 走过渐渐熟悉的街头
十年之后 我们是朋友 还可以问候 只是那种温柔
再也找不到拥抱的理由 情人最后难免沦为朋友
直到和你做了多年朋友 才明白我的眼泪
不是为你而流 也为别人而流
hello darkness my old friend
i've come to talk with you again
because a vision softly creeping
left its seeds while i was sleeping
and the vision that was planted
in my brain still remains
within the sound of silence
slacking the whole day
wanted to study for sat
ended up...
playing all day
had beehoon for 3 meals today
dunno wat it will be like tml
the hostel is half empty
those couples all went out to pahtuo liaoz
leaving us 王老五s, pretending we're mugging
we are mugging cs skills
finally got to know who my angel is
10 pull-ups
one hour of badminton
my right arm is numbed now....
read the lines below. r they true?
我们还是当朋友好了 (其实你还是有多馀的利用价值)
我想我真的不适合你 (我根本就不喜欢你。)
天气好冷喔,手都快结冰了 (快牵我的手吧,大木头!)
我觉得我需要更多一点的空间 (我不太想看到你啦!)
其实你人很好 (我不想跟你在一起。)
你人真的很好 (我真的不想跟你在一起。)
你人真的真的很好....真的 (猪头,离我远一点。)
我暂时不想交男朋友 (闪边啦!你还不到我心中帅哥标准的一半。)
我不想伤害我们之间的友谊 (我们之间也永远只会有友谊。)
你这样让我感到很尴尬 (我无法强迫自己说我不想说的答案。)
我的心中牵挂着一个人 (那个人是我特地虚设用来挡像你这种人的。)
朋友才是长久的,不是吗 (想当我男朋友,自己不照照镜子。)
我从来没想过这个问题 (这根本是不可能的嘛!别做白日梦啦 。)
我不适合当个情人 (废话,没有人会适合当你情人的啦。)
你给我时间考虑 (没给我时间,我怎麽跑得掉....)
我不可能变班的 (虽然理由很烂,不过挡你绰绰有馀啦。)
我们的距离太远了 (当个朋友就不错了,还想有的没的。)
你的条件真的很好 (你的条件真的还没好的我想要的地步。)
可是...这样好怪..真的很怪 (你这丑八怪..怪成这样还想吃天鹅肉?)
我觉得男女之间是真的有纯友谊的 (对,没错,我如你之间就真的只可能有
坐的机车可以呀,骑机车很方便的 (穷小子,没汽车还敢来接送我。)
但你的温柔我会铭记在心的 (情圣!光温柔是没用的,还需要钱钱..)
其实我一直没有勇气接受你 (看到你差点吓死..哪里还有勇气?)
你真可爱 (你真幼稚。)
你真的很可爱 (你真的很幼稚。)
你真的是超级可爱耶 (猪头!不要像小朋友一样黏啦!)
遇到你,总会让我重温童年的快乐 (感觉就像阿姨遇到小弟弟一样。)
我觉得你很乖耶 (穿得俗不拉基的,一看就知道跟你出去不好玩。)
上次迟到真的很不好意思 (先迟到给你看,下次我绝对不会到 !)
别人都说你条件不错耶 (我从来没这样认为过。)
如果我们早一点认识就好了 (说不定你会早点觉悟。)
别急嘛,我们可以先作朋友 (我可以趁这个时候找男朋友。)
flying without wings
soaring without feathers
smiling without dimples
crying without tears
stoning without expression
i think therefore i am
hehez, ming, i'm not purposely 跟你作对. hmmz, i'm thinking too much again, is it?
if i have a million dollars,
i'll reserve 300,000 for my future education
100,000 for my parents to pay the mortage loan of my home
100,000 for my 外公外婆 to live in a more comfortable place
buy myself a md, a bike, a good webcam (hehez), what else?
then the rest goes to the kids in yunnan......
but i don't have a million dollars.
is having a webcam a sign of richness? hehez, don't think so.
my family's financial status may be quite ok in china. but when the number gets divided by 5, u know what will happen.
i think i'm going to stay in singapore after the As,
UK universities are for those aristocratic people. bus fee is counted in pounds... sheesh... wat the hellz
US?? hehez... the visa officials won't give u a pass lahz. immigrant officials of us are the most unwelcomed batch of people in the world. dunno one out of tens or hundreds chinese citizens can get a visa approved.
singapore citizens can go us without a visa is it?
hehez, and there is still this faint and distant dream of scholarship.
wat the hell, flipping through the scholarship booklet, the most common clique is
hehez, just stay here, small but cosy place.
(movie version)
(my daydream)
getting a fixed line phone in two weeks time. changed my hp plan to 30 minutes and 700 sms just now... and much cheaper... hehez, will let everyone know my room phone no. as soon as possible
hehe, finally got internet.
and later at some time my room will get phone... hehez, shared with my roommate... cheap... hehez.
what i see makes what i feel?
what i feel makes what i see?
if i know nothing, i'll be innocent and carefree and etc
if i know everything, i'll be saying yi qie jin zai zhang wo
but i'm right in the middle.
time's eating my life away.
some key words recently
1. broadband
kind of getting it fixed. the singtel people r coming on friday, then i can have internet access in my own room. my junior's laptop will be the server, shared among four people. not that cheap, but still acceptable
2. fixed line phone
my roommate's considering getting a fixed line phone in our room. coz he thought he's handphone bill's sky-rocketing... flirting with too many girls... rich girls who always call instead of msging. hehez, anyone reading this pls don't tell s6a people about this... or i'll get killed...
3. handphone.
sort of thinking of getting another handphone. thought about that in china. but there the price a bit more exp. than here. also considering changing a plan. my promotion plan's going to end soon. but no ideal plan has entered my eyesight. have to wait and see.
4. juniors
the most exciting thing is that we finally get juniors, though with an uncomfortable ratio of girls to guys and locals to prcs. anyways, lucky to have juniors already
5. angel-mortal
that's the natural consequence of having juniors. me quite lucky has got 3 letters. i think by the end of the week i can know my angle... and the juniors now so IT inclined. printing letters instead of handwriting
6. orientation
the war game impressed me most. almost wanted to jump down to join them. s3 rox! trident stones!
7. campfire
climax of orientation. though this year the pa/ava not that successful and the acoustics got some problem. but still fun. realised i can do both guys and gals' pattern in the couple dance. inviting partners to try out with me... hehez. sadly every year could not enjoy the song session, had to hysterically shout out our poor voices.
8. sat
the damned sat will be taking place on the 24th. screwed up. can't be bothered to look at the wordlist. surly to take the second one
9. cny
because cny sat is on 24th, i won't be enjoying the cny which falls on about 21st
10. ssef
stupid science and engineering fair. nvm, got representation points... not aiming for achievement.
11. s2
s2 is gone. sad. hope it can rebirth like the phoenix this year
12. scandals
with a new group of juniors, we r looking for new scandals
13. issues and ideas
nightmare. education seems must produce leaders. then who'll be the follower? the world doesn't need that many leaders. still remember the vice president of china speaking to a plumber: we r just doing different jobs. leadship is not everything.
war game was fun. and trident won!!!
time's passing quite boringly. but got a few things to do also. jan 24's sat... i was put into acjc as smu is full... luckier than my roommate who thought american school is near and put it as his first choice. now he has to go to woodlands for the test...
hez, and the juniors. 15 prcs... 8 gals... hehe, no a good combi... even worse than 32 last year. haiz, and the prcs all from duman and don't know what schools.... sheesh, only one chinese high prc and that one is famous for his silence and withdrawn character... personally, if u let me grade the prcs from different school, i'll put tchs, ny and rgs as the first class... hehez, maybe i'm just too biased.
thought my own juniors would have a good relationship with the locals, just as what they did in chinese high... but realised not. they even didn't turn up for the telematches and etc... hehe, maybe they r too disappointed with the look of the girls in their classes (one of them indeed put that as a reason). hehez, after two years of segregation from girls, they need to adjust... esp when all the gals in their classes r locals... but... don't have to be like that lah.
people r saying i got the chiouest girl in our junior class as my mortal... haiz, unfortunately i'm not a person with that kind of sharp taste... i can immediately recognise a 'dinosaur' girl, but i'm not a good judge of chiouness. i find that i 'm giving less attention to the outlook of the girls.
hahaz, but i'm indeed lucky. both my angel and mortal are girls... the probability is only 8/14 times 8/14.
chatting online, i feel the keyboard beneath my fingers are more real than the words appeared on the screen.
answering phone calls, i feel the cell phone in my hand is more real than the voice in my ear.
i have to convince myself of something, but i don't even know what the 'something' is.