olympics over
the olympics are over.
i feel so empty
watching 第一次的亲密接触 vcd. courtesy of bit torrent. hehe. fun.
水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊;自李唐来,世人盛爱牡丹;予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭静植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人;牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。 爱 莲 说----(宋)周敦颐
the olympics are over.
i feel so empty
watching 第一次的亲密接触 vcd. courtesy of bit torrent. hehe. fun.
Your Brain Usage Profile:
Auditory : 37%
Visual : 62%
Left : 57%
Right : 42%
Xiang, you are somewhat left-hemisphere dominant and show a preference for visual learning, although not extreme in either characteristic. You probably tend to do most things in moderation, but not always.
Your left-hemisphere dominance implies that your learning style is organized and structured, detail oriented and logical. Your visual preference, though, has you seeking stimulation and multiple data. Such an outlook can overwhelm structure and logic and create an almost continuous state of uncertainty and agitation. You may well suffer a feeling of continually trying to "catch up" with yourself.
Your tendency to be organized and logical and attend to details is reasonably well-established which should afford you success regardless of your chosen field of endeavor. You can "size up" situations and take in information rapidly. However, you must then subject that data to being classified and organized which causes you to "lose touch" with the immediacy of the problem.
Your logical and methodical nature hamper you in this regard though in the long run it may work to your advantage since you "learn from experience" and can go through the process more rapidly on subsequent occasions.
You remain predominantly functional in your orientation and practical. Abstraction and theory are secondary to application. In keeping with this, you focus on details until they manifest themselves in a unique pattern and only then work with the "larger whole."
With regards to your career choices, you have a mentality that would be good as a scientist, coach, athlete, design consultant, or an engineering technician. You can "see where you want to go" and even be able to "tell yourself," but find that you are "fighting yourself" at the darndest times.
as expected, we lost to lithuania by 20 points. but there is hope. we only lost by 4 points in the second half. i can see our players are trying their best, towards the last second. yao ming is invincible. there is a dream, that we can get a medal in 2008. that dream is coming.
liu xiang will be competing tml, in 110 hurdles semi and finals. 风一样的男子.
maybe we can overtake russia this time to be the no. 2 in olympics. how russia is catching up very quickly. we need another 4 golds to secure it. later tonight our volleyball gals will be playing against cuba in semi final. if they reach final they may meet russia again. maybe that's the match which will determine the postistion of the chinese and russian delegation. '亮晶晶' will be diving tonight and tml night. hopefully they can bring two more golds. we have one boxer in semifinal, several boats in canoeing final, and tkd just started and we are aiming for gold. watched some tkd competition this afternoon. so fierce...
tml... last day of school...
i was reading LHL's speech just now. though i have my own reservations about several points he made (that's quite fundamental ideological difference), i have to say he's a sensible guy. he put external relations on top of domestic economic matters. anyway singapore is just a small red dot on the map. that's sth that can never be changed.
the women's weightlifting just now was exciting. the chinese competitor was trailing by 7.5 kg after the first round. but in clean and jerk she beat her opponent by 10 and clinched the 18th gold for china... hehe, yeah!
china's basketball teams had high expections. the men's aimed for top 8 and women's top 6. their fate are the same: eliminated in the qualifiers.... haix.
hopefully china can get about 25 golds this time round. that's the maximum i can count, hehe.
ham of usa got his gymnastic gold, but 3 refrees were suspended from their duty for him. the gold should not belong to him. it should have gone to the south koreans.
watched li jiawei's game. hehe. i think the north korean player got much stronger will power. though beaten 0-11 in one game, she never lost her confidence. king jong il rox.
later china still got one final event, men's foil in fencing. four years ago they lost narrowly by one point to france. this time round they are facing the world no. 1 italy...
mass media is quite misleading. Time and newsweek claims that china just emphasis on the more obscure sports to boost its olympic results. they cited examples of shooting, diving, even badminton and table tennis etc.... bleh. the americans are just frogs in the well. of course they only know track and swimming lah.. hehe. they alwasy think themselves as the world. sorry, u r wrong. that's why ur dream's team is getting so much trouble.
Awake at night, sleep in school.
i've synchronised my biological clock to athens' time... hehe
china is leading with 10 golds, 4 silver and 1 bronze. but it could have been 11, if the males couple diving did not fell and got a historical '0' point in their last attempt... heart sunk. it could have been 12, if the male gymnasts were on form. it could be 13, if the we knew our enemy well and won the women's weightlifting on day 1. it could be 14, if....
but... all things depend on if.
probably china won't have any gold medals today. we didn't qualify for men's pistol 50, and the trap event we were at most to win a medal. women's judo lost. the only hope is in a female fencer, but she's facing the world no. 1 in the semi-final. haix...
the singaporean were excited over susilo... hehe... i stayed up until 1 plus plus that morning only to see lin dan lost. but he's only 20. he'll make the come back in beijing 2008.
and china won a swimming gold! our 20 years old 罗雪娟! chiobu.
yaoming finally got a vicotr with 39 points and 13 rebounds. but if china is to advance in to the first 8, we need more players to stand out and help yaoming around the arc.
bleh. not a good day for chinese olympians.
i'm been spending lots of time online and watching tv since athens olympics started... haix.
day 2 have a lot of bad news for china. except the one gold and one silver we won, the chinese teams are not on form. women's softball lost to italy. a major mistake in set 2 left them 0-6. despite a good fight they still lost 5-7. men's basketball lost to spain by a big margin. yaoming was shouting and furious with his teammates coz he thought the other players were not shoulding any responsibility. worse still our world no. 1 lin dan lost to susilo... today the headlines in major singapore newspapers are all about that match. lin dan concede at least 15 direct points to susilo in his turnovers..... bleah...
i don't know. but since the 0-8 defeat on women's football to germany, there seems to be something looming ominously ahead for the chinese squad...
北京时间8月14日16时(雅典当地时间14日11时),2004年雅典奥运会女子10米气步枪在奥林匹克射击中心进行,结果中国选手杜丽表现优异,10抢打出104.0环,以总成绩502.0环(创奥运会纪录)压倒俄罗斯名将加尔金娜获得本届奥运会首枚金牌。加尔金娜虽然在预赛中表现不俗,但是决赛只打出102.5环,以总成绩501.5环排在第二位。获得铜牌的是捷克选手库尔科娃,她决赛的成绩是103.1环,总成绩是501.1环。赵颖慧表现一般,决赛打出102.8环,以总成绩500.8环获得第四名,遗憾的错失奖牌。 女子10米气步枪的金牌也是本届雅典奥运会的第一枚金牌,这个项目可以说是中国选手的强项,赵颖慧和杜丽在国内外比赛中均取得过好成绩。在此前的预赛中,俄罗斯名将、世界纪录保持者加尔金娜打出399环的成绩排在首位,中国选手杜丽以一环之差排在第二位。排在第三位的是捷克选手库尔科娃,而夺冠热门、中国选手赵颖慧以398环排在第四位。四年之前,当时不满19岁的赵颖慧也是夺冠热门,不过她却遗憾的错失金牌,今天再次站在奥运赛场,赵颖慧似乎成熟了不少。国际奥委会主席罗格也出现在比赛现场。女子10米气步枪决赛一共有10名选手参加。 第一轮,加尔金娜打出10.2环,杜丽表现一般打出9.4环,库尔科娃打出9.6环,赵颖慧的成绩是9.7环,戈德比纳打出第一轮最好的成三轮,赵颖慧率先开打成绩是10.0环,加尔金娜打出9.9环,库尔科娃的成绩是10.5环,杜丽表现优异打出10.7环。前三轮之后,杜丽排在第二位,而赵颖慧则降至第五位。 第四轮,加尔金娜打出10环,杜丽的成绩是10.4环,赵颖慧的成绩是10.1环,这样杜丽和首位加尔金娜的成绩缩小到0.3环。第五轮,加尔金娜打出10.2环,杜丽表现优异打出10.4环,将差距近一步缩小;赵颖慧和库尔科娃都打出10.2环的成绩。第六轮,加尔金娜打出10.8环的成绩,杜丽表现也不错,打出10.1环。第七轮,加尔金娜表现不俗打出10.8环,而杜丽和赵颖慧的成绩只有10.2环,这样加尔金娜将领先优势扩大到1.4环。 第八轮,加尔金娜只打出10.0环,而杜丽则打出10.8环,库尔科娃的成绩是10.2环,赵颖慧打出10.6环。第九轮,赵颖慧打出10.6环,加尔金娜打出10.6环,杜丽的成绩是10.8环,在进入最后一枪之前,杜丽和加尔金娜的成绩相差0.4环。最后一轮,加尔金娜发挥失常只打出9.7环,而杜丽表现优异打出10.6环,赵颖慧的成绩是10.6环,而库尔科娃则是10.7环。这样,中国选手杜丽后来居上获得本届雅典奥运会首枚金牌。 夺冠后的杜丽显得非常高兴,她露出了灿烂的笑容,而俄罗斯名将加尔金娜则显得较为失望。杜丽赛后在接受采访时说道:“应该说我是属于比赛型的选手,所以后几发打的比较有劲,我对自己决赛中的表现还算满意。第一轮我只打出9环,毕竟这是我第一次参加比赛,心理素质不过硬。” 记者问道:“决赛前你有什么准备?”杜丽表示:“决赛和预赛之间没差多少时间,大约半个多小时吧,也就是换了服装就过来,虽然赛前心理较平静,但是上去后还是非常紧张。”记者继续问道,“那你胜在哪里?”杜丽表示:“我战胜了自己,因为以前比赛总是感觉对自己不自信。”记者问:“许海峰说你平时很胆大,但是今天决赛你发抢较慢。”杜丽解释道:“我是按照比赛来做的,由于是奥运会,所以平时的训练我就是这个速度,今天的资格赛我也是这样打的。”
virtually did nothing except slacking during the long weekend... haix... didn't do the food chem tut. only finished the mcq for physics 2002 paper... anyway tml is wednesday...
you can't be like this man! you've got many more things to do! how can you slack!
team china did a good job. but they don't have the brain to use their hands. so they lost.
obviously. the japanese were using their hands to block the passes and crossings from the chinese side.
they even scored a goal with their hands. the very second goal.
finished the national celebration day with a triathlon of ice-skating, k-boxing and basketballing. i haven't been enjoying myself for a long long tim. 好久没有玩得这样爽了. yeah, hehe, happy birthday singapore. yar, i want to thank 03S34, esp our dear ct rep xx for organising such a wonderful outing and the rest of the class for their enthusiatic support.
the day started pretty well with 20 out of 26 of the 03S34ians ponning the celebration in school after morning assembly. out of the rest 6, zengwei has given himself a week long break of mcs, he fang ponned more completley than us-she didnt' come for assembly- and wangtao got sth to do later on and didn't join us. according to my fellow 04S34ian chenxi, only chee chiang was in the hall for the celebration. so either he didn't recognise the fangyong and hadi, or them simply went back to hostel or home. poor chee chiang. btw our junior class won the best food store in the carnival. haha, they should thank us lor.... pouring coupons in their store and recommend others, esp prcs to buy their dumplings. hehe, anyway their dumplings tasted nice, except that during their busy times they didn't manage to cook the dumplings properly. hehe.
we left the first tchs bus stop asap, and took 66 to JEC at 6th avenue later on. ate breakfast at mcdonalds. so soon the ice skating rink opened. hehe. my skill didn't improve much compared to the last time i ice-skated, in sec 4. haha but only second time lah, so guess there's ample space for improvement. after 2 hours in the ice world we went for k-box, 13 of us, hehe, not bad leh. by the way 15 went for ice skating while leader, mich and her 老婆 and 情妇 watched us from outside. we were supposed to leave by 3, but later they failed to deliver our delifrance bread on time and gave us one more hour. haha. showed off my out-of-tune singing skills. as usually for most of the time i couldn't find the right key. and discovered a future star leh... haha. maybe zh should be more watchful for ss in the long run, haha.... later found our from my roommate that usually it's routine to drag for 1 hours in the k-box. hehe, guess as long as no other customers come in they won't be bothered to drive u out.
haha, so the class outing happily ended here. it was proposed to watch movie or bowling. but guess people are just too tired (their legs and throat) or too bankrupt to continue. hehe. so we went back at 4. reach hostel at 5 plus and it was just time for basketball. played till 1845. haha, listened to a taiwanese telling us his experience in canada and the stupidness of the people there.
long week-end ahead again. tml china will be playing against japan in Asian football Cup finals at Workers' Stadium, Beijing. I think the chinese team finally gives its fans a 交待 this time round. ‘爱你,恨你,还是来看你’。中国球迷是世界上最不幸的球迷,也是最坚强的球迷。i think the chinese team really shows some spirit in this asian cup. our key defender 李伟峰 collided with iran's goalkeeper in the semi-final. he endured the pain and played for the last 70 minutes of the game. it was later found out that there were two broken ribs in his lungs. and our 老牌前锋郝海东 only left the court when he broke his head and 血流如注. he's got serious injuries, and he's 34, but he's still 拼命ing.
i finished my dinner and returned to my room at 7 plus. a tiring day indeed, from morning to the end of physics s i only got the lunch break.
i put my bag in my room and strolled into my junior's room next door. i heard a familiar voice but in never-heard-before tunes. before i open my mouth to ask, my junior told me straightaway. 'i've shared jay's new album on my com. can go and copy.'
yar... and when i went online later, i found his name being 'who ever want jay's 七里香 please contact me'
haha, see, the speed of piracy.
tonight, china vs iran. 9 p.m.
indulged myself in the 火拼泡泡龙 game the whole day. then finally flipped over my chem tys and searched for food chem qns. all about making sugar sweets and lemon tarts, etc. fainted.
why food chem?
guess i shall 'tighten up my string in my mind' from tml onwards. cannot afford to slack any more liao.
tml china vs iran, and 周杰伦发片. hehe, wat a good coincidence.