水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊;自李唐来,世人盛爱牡丹;予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭静植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人;牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。 爱 莲 说----(宋)周敦颐
今天过的很快。早上赶着帮Mrs Har整理材料,吃过了饭又是relief classes,下午也没闲着,熟悉一下environmental lrc的器材和实验。
过两天又要bacteria culturel了,sabbatical week还有两个礼拜,老师们轻松,上的课少了,我们倒是要忙了。
人生总是一段学习的历程,直到心跳停止的那一刻为止。Life is like a box of chocolate, u never know what will come out next.
Last friday, andrew tan of the boarding school called us residential tutors down and had a meeting with us. He told us something we hadn't expected, and our response also gave him a mild surprise, i think.
His version of the story: We have to pay a discounted 250 bucks a month for our stay in the boarding school, while in addition, have to perform 50 hours of offcie duty to compensate for the difference between the discounted rate and the normal rate.呵呵,当时我没反应过来,现在一想,既然已经discounted,又为什么要叫我们做工抵消差额呢?自相矛盾嘛。不过当时谁都没有反应过来,不过我们听到这个消息,也不干了。当时陈校长跟我们说过,在华中做工的话,在华中寄宿学校的住宿也是免费的,至多帮宿舍做一点事情而已,现在怎么又多出这250块钱的事情来了。不过我们又不能当时就打电话给陈校长,所以就先忍着,先没理他。
as he's pressing on us, we told him to check with mr tan first on our boarding status. well, we gave him an inch and he advanced a foot. he askes us to come out with a schedule of our office duty instead.
那我们更不干了。还没有确定我们住宿的条件是怎样的,就要我们准备做工,不合理嘛!we have to make informed decision!
so, seven of us, hongyi, susheng, zhipeng, khang, gian, yi jin and me began to argue with this stupid andrew.
we pointed out that it's ridiculous to charge us boarding fees at first place. we are stuff of the hwa chong insitution, and natually we should be able to stay in it's affiliated boarding school FOC! and other boarding schools like RIBS and ACSIBS are having such arrangements! Why are we so poorly treated?
‘as for the wardens, they have 100% responsibility to look after the boarders. if anything happens to their boarders, they have to shoulder the legal responsibilities, but u don't have to. u r considered residential tutors and have 0 responsibility.'
那好啊,那我们在学校做工,或是教书的,那也是已经承担100%的工作职责,为什么回到宿舍就不一样?那些不做舍监的老师们呢?他们要付钱吗?什么,要付300?住的什么房?guest room?那就对了,他们住有空调的豪华guest room,我们住的是普通房来的。我们又何必要付钱又做工?我们在华中里面做工能享受的福利又到哪里去了?
What about the treatment of our seniors? we understand that many of them came back last year for their A-levels, and stayed in the boarding school at the rate of 250/month, while working outside. how come we, the hwa chong staff, are treated the same way as none hwa chong stuff?
we basically bombarded him with questions. hehe, then a telephone call from the boarding school director saved him. it was confirmed. we either pay, or we do some work for the boarding school.
(interlude: a HCI sec 4 just came in and aske me some trigo questions involving double angle formula....)
ok loh... and we bargained again for some time on the hours we have to work. it was reduced to 40. we don't think it's a good idea to ‘quantify’our contributions to the boarding school by mere working hours (have to give description of what had been done and signed by supervising staff some more) ... well... it was not very satisfactory anyway, but a big leap from andrew tan's initail offer. so we accepted.
(moral of the story: 先把价码抬高,才有更多回旋的余地)
i think andrew tan was pissed. he called us ‘labour unior meeting'
so what, we have to protect our own rights.
indeed, i think the boarding school have to fixed the terms and conditions for the residential tutors' stay, instead of giving us vague promises and blank cheques to lure us to stay here and suddenly change face and bawk at us for ‘not paying boarding fees'. If the boarding school has no intention to fix it, we have to have our own 工会 to negotiate with the boarding school side so as to protect our own welfare.
i'm becoming a man of no life...haiya, i don't have much ‘life’ anyway.
read 'new scientist' magazine yesterday. there was one article on blogging in china, written by a dissident chinese residing in US. hehe. quite fun. he actually managed to translate muzimei's blog entries into english! and i came to know that blogspot had not been banned in china until early 2003. of course u can still visit the site through proxy settings.
it's weekend again! i like it!
听音乐,既然有了CD机喜欢:Avril Lavign的嘶喊,Norah Jones那种懒懒的音调,韩红来自雪域高原的风味,刀郎被吐鲁番烤焦的嘶哑,斯琴格日勒带着蒙古草原奔放的摇滚,水木年华带着7、80年代的迷惘,朴树竭尽全力撕开都市钢筋混凝土牢笼吐出的那丝干净地容不下一粒沙子的低吟。还有动力火车原住民的高亢,伍佰夹着闽南语的痛哭,流浪,寻找着挪威的森林。最后,westlife和小虎队对往事的拾掇。
讨厌。我不讨厌歌,我讨厌人周杰伦的吊儿郎当,他在fantasy之后的专辑都达不到那种高度陶喆,信了个教就摆上教父的架子,连福音歌都搬到专辑里来了。没事还喊喊‘world peace'说的跟小孩过家家一样的britney spears, justin timberlake, blah blah,这堆私生活糜烂的家伙唯一一个既讨厌歌,也讨厌人的SHE说实话,是讨厌人在先,讨厌歌在后。三个八婆
spent the past 10 days in china.
deepest apologies to dear readers, esp JIA HUI, hehe, for not updating my blog.
but i still need time to find that link again.
为这 我已在佛前
当你走近 请你细听
朋友啊 那不是花瓣
----蒙古族人,全名是穆伦·席连勃,意即大江河;“慕容”是“穆伦”的谐译。1943年农历10月15日生于四川重庆城郊金刚坡,祖籍内蒙古察哈尔盟明安旗,1949年迁至香港,后随家飘落台湾,1956年入台北师范艺术科,1964年到比利时布鲁塞尔皇家艺术学院进修,入油画高级班。1970年以穆伦为笔名,在《联合副刊》发表作品。七月回台湾,任教新竹师专美术科。其后数年间应邀参加多次省级及国际性之美展。并以萧瑞、漠蓉、穆伦·席连勃等笔名投稿,作品多为散文。1989年九月前往父亲及先母的家乡,初见蒙古高原。 十四岁起致力于绘画,至今仍视之为主要职业。写诗,只是作为累了一天之后的休息。她写诗,为的是“纪念一段远去的岁月,纪念那个只曾在我心中存在过的小小世界”。一个“真”字熔铸于诗中而又个性鲜明。在她的诗中,充满着一种对人情、爱情、乡情的悟性和理解。主要著作:七里香[诗]、无怨的青春[诗]、三弦[小品]、有一首歌[散文]、同心集[散文]、写给幸福[散文]、江山有待[散文]