
拿到了工资,最终还是没能拒绝sony D-NE900的诱惑。

好多钱哪,但谁叫我看上了呢?比预算多了一些。其实我更看好那个299块超薄的,买了那个就等于割了我的大腿动脉了。现在这个sony D-NE900是割手腕静脉。








A bit of monday blue. so i have to remind myself that next friday i shall be in china with my parents.

oh, and i got a new task, taking care of the orchid plants in the school. new hybrids.

hmm... i think andrew tan is quite a common name in singapore. personally know a few. but i don't like this andrew tan, assistant boarding executive in the boarding school. i think he dislikes me... at least kan wo bu shuang, from the way he speaks to me and treats me... hehe... same to my roommate... mayhe he just don't like the people from mr tan's cluster, thinking we are taking the shade of the deputy principle.


he wants us to pay a 'subsidised' 250 bucks for our stay every month.
watever. nobody's gonna pay. our employment at hci includes accommondation at hcibs. yups, that's supposedly the way the boarding director had been told.

hehe. and this andrew tan seems very happy to exploit us 'residential tutors'. he wants us to fulfil some 'duties'...

so ok lor...

so, as i don't have that a nice personal relationship with him, while others can slack as 'hall coordinators' whose duty is to come down to meetings twice a year, i have to report to office every weekday from 630-800pm to do database.

well, same for my roommate, just he's got to do mail sorting.

nvm, he set the deadline of completion of 900 people's particulars three months later.

i have pretty much yang gong to mo.

hehe, and he's an active commissioner. haha. distributing flyers of christianity in boarding school.... taking boarders to church on saturdays. a few days ago, one of the boys he previous approached got some relationship problem. he sat there on the sofa. mu guang dai zhi, liu shen wu zhu. and when andrew came he shouted 'satan,satan!!' (dunno whether i spelt correctly)

i was scared by his reaction. the first idea that popped up in my mind was 'FA LUN Gong'.

well, jesus christ, if u do really exist, just forgive me lol....




see here :(


this is a interesting article i wrote. im white american and male. read much about some threads saying 'would u rather be white or others if u were allowed to choose your race' and i would like to offer my perspective.

if singapore is really gearing up for democracy, the moderators should let this thread flow and not lock it.

if you have other friends, send them my article and post ur comments below


Hello Singapore.

Actually I aint no outsider here, I lived in good o' Singapore, a rainy, suppressed and colored country for almost 15 years. I was born in Buford, North Dakota. I still remember one incident back 2 years ago when I was talking to this Chinese girl in a MRT train. She asked me where I was from. ' Buford, North Dakota, ' I said, feeling low, embarrassed to recall the poor town I was born. ' Wow, that place must be a great place to live, ' she replied. I was shocked.

What she and other Singaporeans didnt know is that Buford is almost a ghost-town in North Dakota. People living there straddles the poverty line. Amenities were scarce, internet access was almost unthinkable. But her attitude towards the Western World, especially that of the mighty United States Of Amercia, is often slanted and prejudiced. Most Singaporeans assume Whites are rich, and the Western hemisphere reign over the rest of the colored world.

I gamely asked her, ' What about Singapore? Isn't it a good place to live? '

' Hell no. Singapore is so low-class. I prefer the USA '

' What about China? Isn't that where your ancestors came from? '

' You must be kidding. I HATE China. '

Above is only a simple illustration of my point I am going to deliver today, but nonetheless reflective. Frankly, my grandparents were very poor back in Buford, and have to depend on state welfare for a living. My own parents weren't much better. They barely completed high school - My Dad became a Taxi driver and my Mum stayed at home to look after me and my brother. My Dad, the sole breadwinner, barely brings home US$800 a month, and my younger days in Amercian was a slew of horrible domestic fights, smashed bottles and other typical American violence. When I was 8 years old. Things started changing.

First, at the local church in Buford, one of my Dad's close friends told him of a Chink country in Asia, rich and peaceful, called Singapore. I guess you realise that my terms I use are strongly racist and descriminating - but that's how White Americans behave (of course not infront of colored people but when Whites are talking among themselves).

My Dad's initial responses were that of a reluctant no. Our foremost fears were that we're of a different race, our family is poor and were afraid to get a headstart. My parents were also only high-school dropouts. We're classical rednecks, is what americans would call.

But we eventually moved here.

It was a shift from hell to heaven. Or from trash to gods.

When we arrived in Singapore, we barely had any friends. I was 10 then. We turned to a local Catholic church. Their members were swarming around us, trying to drive in a good impression on us. They treated us very very well - though my family is poor and lowly educated. My dad eventually got a job in a local company as product supervisior that one of the church members is working in. My Dad's initial pay is around $2200. 3 Years later, my dad was promoted to the title of product manager. He now earns around $9400 every month.

Our family were surprised at our new-found wealth. More flabbergasted was that now our family has lotsa friends - yellow, browns and indians. Back in Buford, neighbours hardly interact. I had always thought that Singaporeans were very friendly and neighbourly people until I read recently that Singaporeans are becoming more and more cold. But what about my case? As another American kid in my Singapore American School tells me, "it's typical, those chinks and asians love to suck up to us, White Americans.'

I went into the Singapore American School. Pure white, was what I expected to see of the school population. But there are Chinks inside the school! I asked them why did they want to study here when they have a good education system outside. A typical reply: ' Our parents are afraid that a Singaporean certificate will not be internationally recognised.'

The word American itself speaks volumes about excellence. American is a posterboy of perfection. Everywhere in Singapore I go, armed with that body of blonde hair and blue eyes with crisp American accent, people treated me warmly. Store keepers, Taxi drivers, stewardess, every every Singaporean I met treated me like god. Not to forget, many Chink girls also fell in love with me.

I would like to admit that Im a virgin no longer (aint heck a unusual thing back in good ol' USA). Many Singaporean girls are willing to jump on bed with me. I was 16 when I started having sex. I used to have a Chink girl who was 8 years older than me. I also enjoy taking photos of naked chink girls when i went on bed with them. And i circulate them to my american friends.

I always thought that Chink girls are very conservative. Who knows that everytime i have sex, its mostly the girls' initiatives. Also they always confided their fantasy of marrying me and living in 'pleasant' America, in their words.

In conclusion, I would like to thank Singapore for being my paradise.

And Btw, that girl i talked about in the start of my article is a hua chong (issit correct? i dont know chink names) junior college girl, acting demure but actually very *@$%ty inside (as in towards me only and not asian men - beckham say they have small dicks? haha). Cant imagine such high educated girls have such slanted views Very Happy
[This message was edited by Supremist on 2004-09-18 11:44:44.]



again, at bio lrc. the boys are slackingly doing their posters, so i just slackingly surf net...

8 relief classes today.....

it's tuesday, yeah!! today's four-day week.... yeah!!!!


bio lrc

at bio lrc now. a bit slack, a bit sian.

attending to relief classes in library, charged coupling diode talk, bleh, this is what 'research assistant' do.

haix. have to think about something to do.


feeling tired now. played basketball under the scorching sun from 4 to 6. hehe, hoped i've got tanned a bit.


Q: What is the difference betwen an illegal worker and a legal one?
A: 60 bucks and two afternoons.

Immigration and Checkpoint Authority的低效率,我就不用多说了,态度也好不到那里去,感觉就像是你上辈子欠他钱一样。40块钱在护照上盖了一个章,20块换了一张embarkment card,真赚。听说以前scholar做工只要教育部批准就行了,就今年开始MOM,ICA也各插了一腿进来。真多事,ICA也真是想钱想疯了拿我们这些穷学生开刀了,要宰就宰外国人,够狠。MOM就比较傻了,便宜了我们。大概SMRT也有一腿,跑来跑去坐车就花了不少钱。

这一切都办完后,终于拿到了employment letter。也算是合法员工了,可以松上一口气。昨天刚把reference list做完,这两天又处于无事状态,一定要找事做呀。

以前一直不明白为什么chinese high boys的名声这么差,这一回算是有点体会了。Sec 4那些人穿着华初校服真是难以启齿加以形容。早上带relief class在library 里面也真是痛苦,问题是他们说vulgarities你也不能回脏话回去,毕竟是为人师表,要是可以说华文就好了,可我也不是华文老师,更何况这种深奥的骂人华文他们也不一定听得懂。现在想起当年mrs yeong那骂人的skill,真的是一门艺术啊,有条有理,抑扬顿挫,比GP essay还牛B.要么就跟mrs tay 和 ang lai chiang 一样,嗓门大到可以震死你。我身为他们的学生,为啥就没学到这些呢?



还有,今天寄出了我的第一份scholarship application, DBS scholarship。 good luck to myself.还到华初lab去看了一下,那种死地方,花了呢么多钱,买了那么多没用的东西。无语了。








现在我们这一届还在新加坡的,屈指可数了吧。我,苏盛,从林,弘毅,郭青,宿舍里就这么几个。以前大家互相串门聊天玩游戏,以为是天经地义的事,到了现在,楼道里转了一圈又一圈,也叫不出几个人的名字。最难熬的就是study time了吧,学弟们都在自习,又不好去打扰。自己憋在房里,也做不出什么事。



过了几天,好不容易赖在了Hall A,搬进华嘉和方牛的房间,一个人费了九牛二虎之力,几乎挪便了所有可以挪的家具,才把一张床掉了个个,坐在床上喘着气,又突然有一种孤独的感觉。


research assistant,研究助理,多好听的名字。现在还们开始忙,在图书馆里找资料整理,看看学生。或许是因为才一个礼拜,所以还没觉得单调。不过我真的希望能把这份工作做好。其实还是能学到很多东西的。Mrs Har 和Mdm Leow是很好的人。chinese high 的这种氛围就是比华初要好很多。但自己还是要主动一点。工作上要多动一点脑筋。另外还想找Mr.Chan谈一下宿舍里night duty的事,keep myself occupied比较好。

Orientation 05
kenny的话,familiar strangers
mass dance,似乎又勾出了我的老毛病,不愉快的事情与伤感的镜头似乎又要从箱底爬了出来。莞尔一笑,又把它锁了回去。忽然觉得自己长大了。似乎明明还是在眼前的事,突然以被冠上了‘年少’的时态,作为笑谈了。无论酸甜苦辣,在记忆里都被美好所代替,就好比死去了的人们,总是在或者的人心中留下他们最美好的形象。

可恶的移民关卡局,骗我说student pass就能做工了,第二天弘毅去的时候又变卦,还得我明后两天还得跑一趟。害的我好guilty啊,感觉工没做多少还一天到晚往外跑。网也没得上......坐车也贵了....
