i decided to start my auto. an idea by my mother. ‘现在说起来无所谓,以后后悔也来不及’yups... so people u all can brainstorm some rubbish to write for me... hehe.
水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊;自李唐来,世人盛爱牡丹;予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭静植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻;莲之爱,同予者何人;牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。 爱 莲 说----(宋)周敦颐
i decided to start my auto. an idea by my mother. ‘现在说起来无所谓,以后后悔也来不及’yups... so people u all can brainstorm some rubbish to write for me... hehe.
I belong to the lucky group of people who did expt 1 first. i made two mistakes initially. Firstly, i though the distance x/cm is the distance between the equilibrium position and the original position.... so half way though the expt (3 data sets) i realised i couldn't get the set up work anymore. once the magnet started oscillating it would flip over and be attracted to the othe magnet. by the time i spotted my mistake there were only 30 minutes left. so i decided to perform the rest timings once only. however i a hurry i forgot to log the period expression... ended up couldn't get a straight line graph. i tried to repeat expt, but obviously the points didn't fit.
time's up. the electrical one is always easy. half and hour later i'm back on expt 1. i decided to fake data, but one point is just too difficult to be fitted into the faked line... so treat it as anomalous lah... until when i have finished writing those rubbish for anomaly, some arrow of enlightenment struck me, and i realised the 'log' mistake... hehe, i still have 25 minutes... so i quickly hurried to finish the paper... though the scale of the graph was not that good. how to accommodate 1.5 in 12 grids? and the graph section was obviously much smaller than the graph paper we had used. nvm. i still had 10 minutes to waste so i quickly pressed my calculator to see whether the gradients and intercepts are accurate. not bad.... so there went the whole paper.
when jiahui called my name this afternoon, i was walking out of the library in a blur state. then i looked up. she was in anderson uniform. surprised, and blurred, i didn't do anything ot show my greetings.... (hehe, i also saw the other guy in white uniform later)
2 years, seems just a blinking moment.
故地重游?呵呵,reminds me of one line :“这一张旧船票能否登上你的客船”
If u can't get a scholarship, will ur family be able to support ur education in UK?
idiot will say no to the interviewer.
so what. i know my family can support me, if they really die die wanna send me abroad. but what is the consequence? think about it. the wool comes from the sheep. as i help my parents to repay all these debts, it shall be my time to face the same dilemma, this time round my son or daughter (if i happen to have).
how to jump out of the cycle?
unknowingly, i have been pissed off by my roommate these days... while i got loads of work to be done with my us applications and oxford interview, he has nothing to do except...... 霸占我的电脑。玩网络游戏,谈了一个‘老婆’,好像认真的不得了。网上聊天,语音聊天,打电话,讲的话都肉麻死了。(说是话我觉得那女的有点痴呆,要么就是心理年龄个位数)。虽说电话也便宜,但网聊毕竟不要钱啊,于是.....受苦的是我。自己的电脑不能用。online application 填了一半出去上个厕所回来就发现他聊上了....而且既然电脑在我桌上,我的桌子自然也被霸了,连个写字的地方也没有,学习室倒是脏乱差....我不在的他在用的时候,我的老同学在网上跟我说话他也不管,也不告诉他们我不在,还让别人以为我多么清高。
Addressing envelopes... filling in forms... writing inquiry e-mails and waiting for replies... photocopying... these are what i am doing these days.....
越爱越.. 韩语歌词
노을 지는 언덕너머 그대 날 바라보고있죠
차마 말 하지 못한 내마음을 이미알고 있었나요
왠지 모르게 우리는 우연처럼 지내왔지만
무지개문 지나 천국에 가도 나의마음 변함없죠
사랑하면 할수록 그대그리워 가슴아파도
이것만을 믿어요 끝이아니란걸
이제야 난 깨달았죠 사랑은 숨길 수 없음을
우연처럼 쉽게 다가온 그대 이젠 운명이 된거죠
사랑하면 할수록 멀어짐이 두렵기만 해도
이것만을 믿어요 끝이 아니란걸
끝이 아니란걸
*우리가 지내온시간들.. 앞으로 같이보낼 시간들..
내겐 정말 소중한추억이 될꺼가타 ~
화이팅~ 하며 오늘하루도 열심히 살아가자!!
松开你的手 让你走
没有人会知道 我的感受
若有一天 你会发现
<不可不信缘〉中的〈我对于你,你对于我〉(又名〈相对无言〉)的歌词!感谢LEEYUJIN 网友翻译!!
翻译 by leeyujin
haix, sorry for those used the 'comment' function. hopefully i have not neglect u for long... hehe... ecKs actually quoted me... it's such an honour. thanks yangke for inviting me to write her auto... had i got to know u better i wouldn't hesitate to say 'yes'. of course it's my privilege, but maybe u have to bear with the low quality of both content and handwriting....
US application is so troublesome... and i haven't really started... omg... you should be wondering what i have been doing these days. well, i have been basically slacking slacking and slacking. i think i still know what i am doing... hehe.
and certainly my dear readers should have observed that i've changed my template... i'm not IT savvy so basically i just chose another template, and kope the command for inserting the pic from someone else's blog.... i wanted to put the pic as the first part for my blog, big big one, but obviously i don't know how to do that... hehe... after some trial and error and previews i managed to place it in front of all the blog entries. not bad.
yah, it's a snapshot from ‘不可不信缘’。nice movie. i've watched it at least 5 times.
i've been seeing less people online, and less and shorter blog entries... haha, all mugging away, i suppose.
when u get the mentality right, ur future seems less gloomy
for the past few weeks and months, i have been uncertain about my future. university choice has been the central issue, which is future complicated by financial and citizenship matters. i was deeply troubled. i was unsure of my determination to attend US or UK universities. i was unsure of my family's financial status. i found myself in a dilemma. whatever choice i make, i can't justify it.
maybe that's the beauty of life, as u put ur own thought under vivisection, until u see the true colour of ur heart and ur mind. faith is something that which we imagine to be true. for me, there were two foundamental principles i wanna adhere to.
1. try as far as possible to retain my citizenship
2. try as far as possible not to overload my family's financial burden.
rule 1 may be subjected to change. 人在江湖,身不由己. but rule 2, hehe, 这是我们老周家的传统.
yups. i'll try my best to apply to uk and us. i'll apply with financial aid for those need-blind universities, and without financial aid for those 'need-visual'? hehe. and i'll settle for a place in nus or ntu if my applications don't get through.
the future's not clear, but at least, it is not so dark.
well... feeling like writiting sth....
又丑 又慢 又笨 又没用
的 毛毛虫
没有朋友 独自生活
担心着天敌 小心着农药
就是我的家 居无定所
有一天 我发现 我的表皮开始蜕落
只可惜 我的新颜 还是一样丑陋
终于 我绝望了 我想自杀
要用我吐出的丝 织起一具棺材
严严密密 我可以在面窒息而亡
我也不想 让别人 看到我死时的丑态
一天一夜 棺材织好了
我静静的躺着 等待死神的到来
意识渐渐模糊 却终究没有消散
一天 两天 三天
我饿 我渴
于是 我用最后的一点力气
突然一失足 从树叶上滑落
我的生命 就将在自由落体中结束
闭上眼睛 张开双臂
哦 我来了
大地 母亲
i'm been reading other people's auto... not from my class, nor did they ask me to write... hehe, saw them in my friends' room and just took and read. surprisingly our class people seem quite contented with the few sentences on that piece of paper... hehe... well it feel different reading pages of words... hehe, but it's by and large a girlie thing... lah lah, but since women are audio they should use a microphone to record... hehe... some autos really like testimonials.... i have opposite feelings about autos... if someone asks me to write i'll be very happy and think i'm really privileged... well they regard me as somebody.... hehe.... but i'll be worrying about my handwriting... and certainly feel inferior seeing other's decoration and pages of craps... hehe...
got back physcis. not as bad as expected... hehe. prelim is over. ahead there's another darkness called A-level.
oh yar, supposedly our class is the best class in physcis this year... haha... that's a bit too much surprising....... but well, u guys really put in a lot of effort.
according to brightsparks, one year expense (median) studying in UK =350,000 RMB
in US =330,000 RMB
according to oxford website, one year expense (whole year on campus) =425,000 RMB
Why do i want to apply for US and UK!!!!????!!!
I'm very tempted to put down financial aid on my US applications. that may slash my possibility of admission by more than half. but who cares? if i don't put down, even if i got admitted i won't afford that kind of education.
got back both maths today. haha, not too bad at least got As. Tml is chem. should not be too bad either.
to be or not to be.... a relief teacher in hwachong?
pros:! i don't know the salary, but at least u don't do it for cip hours.
2.iron ice bowl! at least u know ur job is secure. as in, u can't do too bad lah.
3.residence! well, since tchs and hcjc are merging next year, they should share the hostel as well... tchs teachers can live in TCHBS free, how about hwachong ones? if not still can approach my guardian for a discounted rate i think.
1.OMG! got to see the faces of the tutors for a few more months, and suddenly u r one of them... weird
2.Wu4 ren2 zi3 di4! and got complained by parents.
3.Shall the students listen to a teacher who is just 2 year senior
4.Don't have time to visit old classmates in china
5.Three days CNY. possible to fly back to china?
anyway, it's difficult to be the relief teacher. esp for a foreigner.
actually relief teaching at 'hwachong international school' is not bad... haha, maybe u get paid more, then u teach lower secs, anyhow teach also can. ... of course the problem is HCI seems not recruiting relief teachers...... haha.
shall be getting back both math papers tml... worried about math c. my roommate got 74.5%....
yesterday, at around 10 p.m., i received the msg from songsong on the chem tut on monday.
i checked it out with old cat during lunch today. haha, he sent the first msg to kq at 8am in the morning, and himself received the msg from bf at 8pm.
btw i sent the msg back to kq immediately after i received it.
so, consider 25 a suitably large sample size (lh doesn't have hp), shall i conclude that the time taken for a person to receive and forward a msg follows an exponential distribution with lumda equals to 2hour-1(mean half an hour)?
i played basketball today. on the way back to the hostel, one j1, my roommate and i was chatting with a uni2 senior who played with us.
as we walked into the hostel, a gal newbie (new scholar), was calling at the public telephone booth. she was very loud.
'we planned to play tennis this afternoon. there were two tennis court as we walked down! but they belong to a boys' school and no girls allowed to be in!!'
our group, four chinese high guys, cannot disguise our laugh...